Right - on 16th/ 17th July, I am supposed to be travelling on foot from Petersfield to Brighton, some 100km away across the South Downs within 30 hours. I have done some daft things in my time, including the odd Triathlon (the classic early mid-life crisis), some insane cycle rides (classic mid mid-life crisis) and I suppose it is a natural progression to walking (classic late mid-life crisis) Whenever I enter these events, I entertain fanciful thoughts about transforming my now slightly pudgy and used body into a gleaming, muscular machine. Then I go through a period of good intentions, then I take some action to force myself into starting training in earnest. Usually, this involves throwing a large sum of money at the latest pointless fitness gadget. Last time it was a function-rich Polar monitor - heart rate, speed, cadence, 15 training zones, GPS etc etc. One day I'll figure out how to use it as a watch too! This time, I have decided to harness the power of electronic media to set myself up for a very public humiliation if I don't knuckle down and get training.
The good news is that I am not in total disarray. Admittedly, I tore my hamstring back in October while showing my playboy brother how easy it was to drop a ski waterskiing for the first time. That then morphed into a prolapsed disc, which I tried not to let get in the way of the winter skiing. Since then, I have tried running and cycling and am now showing signs of near normality. That is, I can run for about 20 minutes. So, some work to do still.
I have joined a gym, signed up to join Dulwich Paragon cycling club and have bought some heart-breakingly expensive trainers. I have about 8 weeks to go so I expect some pain.
Weight 91kg
Bottles of wine this week: 2
Diet: Fish and chips, Curry
Miles run: 2
Miles cycled: 90
I'm not sure you confessed to the trainers being heart-breakingly expensive!